5 21st Century Oscar Errors.

My guest is Chauncey Telese, co-creator and co-host of LA Podfidential.

I discuss reviews for two TV shows - Your Honor (2020) which stars Bryan Cranston, and the incredibly awesome Gangs of London (2020), as well as two lackluster boutique Blu-ray releases in Severin’s The Black Cat (1989) and Vinegar Syndrome’s disc of Cthulhu Mansion (1992).

The list topic that Chauncey picked is 5 21st Century Oscar Errors.

Check out LA Podfidential by clicking here, or just search for it in whatever you use to cast your pods.

Jason Kleeberg

In addition to hosting the Force Five Podcast, Jason Kleeberg is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and Telly Award winner.

When he’s not watching movies, he’s spending time with his wife, son, and XBox (not always in that order).


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