Psycho Goreman (2021).
“If you think about it, humans are the real monsters.”
Directed by Steven Kostanski
Written by Steven Kostanski
Starring Nita-Josee Hanna, Owen Myre, Matthew Ninaber, Adam Brooks, and Alexis Kara Hancey
1. (The Stage)
“Frig off.”
Two kids unearth a gem that controls an evil monster looking to destroy the universe. Unfortunately, his presence brings other unearthly beings to Earth in an effort to restore balance to the galaxy. Cool.
2. (The Good)
“I do not care for hunky boys!”
I loved this film.
The plot is ludicrous and the film leans into that wholeheartedly. Every aspect of this film is absurd and that’s where the comedy comes from. I found myself laughing several times at how ridiculous this insane ‘monster out of water’ story was.
The real comedy comes from the actors. Mimi, played by Nita-Josee Hanna is spot on as a mean-spirited, take no shit middle-schooler. She’s got this amazing kinetic energy that I could see on Saturday Night Live someday. I loved her as Mimi. Owen Myre plays…her older brother, a kid who wants to be there for his sister but is deflated, continuously bullied by her oneupmanship. Their parents, Greg and Susan, provide some of the best laughs just by interacting with each other while trapped inside of a miserable marriage. It all just works together. Then there’s the comedic timing of Psycho Goreman himself, as he gets used to a world in which he’s controlled by a crazy tween.
The creature effects are also really funny and feel like a throwback to the early days of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (pretty sure I even caught a MMPR “guitar riff” in there at the beginning of one of the ‘crazy ball’ sequences). The character designs for those not from Earth are super creative, and the low-budget look to everything gives the film an odd sense of charm. The actual gore effects seemed like practical effects as well and that really added to the fun nature of the flick. Heads are ripped off, faces are pulled from heads, and swords are literally made from someone’s bones while still fighting. Yes, that’s what you’re in for.
3. (The Bad)
“This all sounds like superstitious nonsense to me.”
If I had one criticism, I guess it would have been to give the Paladin more of a personality to match everyone else in the film, because when she spoke, everything came to a screeching halt for me. Fortunately, she wasn’t in the film that often.
I only really say that because this is Force Five, not Force Four, and I needed to fill the ‘Bad’ section with something. This movie fucking rocks.
4. (The Ugly)
“How about…Dark Lord of Wonderful Smooches?”
A “Warrior’s Ending”. Oof. It may be the highest honor, but it’s not a way I’d want to go out.
Also, you can’t help but feel for Alastair. The kid only wanted to ‘play some vids’. Now, well…
5. (The End)
“It’s fun, it’s hip, it’s wow, and it’s now!”
This film felt like it was made for me. Kids who are out of their element but don’t know it with creative, dynamic personalities, a monster who is equal parts terrifying and delightful, comedic moments that literally had me laughing out loud, cool gore effects, and awesome, low-budget monsters.
If you’re into horror comedies, I can’t see why you wouldn’t enjoy Psycho Goreman.